B2B lead generation

JET International approaching target marketOur fees and reputation are based around the consistent achievement of agreed daily targets. We provide on site appointments and grade A business leads. The qualifying criteria and targets are set with clients during an initial pilot test.


1) Our results driven approach: Agreed appointment targets are achieved on a consistent basis, day in, day out, which ensures retention of our client’s business for 4+ years.

2) Preparation of our studied relevant approaches to our target markets: Our work in this area is vital to earn the Director’s attention.

3) Passion and interest in the leading edge IT areas we cover: This encourages a natural flow of conversation which enables the Telemarketer’s knowledge to snowball.

4) The logging of detailed and relevant notes per conversation: This ensures our ability to feed back defined measures about the prospect’s requirements.

5) Continual communication with our clients: This vital collaboration ensures we refine, continually, our target market and our approach.

FullSizeRender(18) “JET’s ability to put people at ease, keep them talking and grow interest in our offering was exactly what we wanted.”

JET International